Trans-Siberian Railway Day 6 24/08/2003

24/08/2003 08:24 Ulan Bator 6299 km

24/08/2003 08:24 Ulan Bator 6299 km

24/08/2003 09:14 Mongolian Restaurant Car

24/08/2003 09:57 Manit 6416 Km
A typical Mongolian Yurt

24/08/2003 10:07 Mongolian Locos

24/08/2003 12:52 Choir 6544 Km
Statue to first Mongolian Cosmonaut

24/08/2003 16:31 Sayn Shand 6771 Km

24/08/2003 16:58 Sayn Shand 6771 Km

24/08/2003 23:53 Wheel change at Dzamyn Ude/Erlyan
on the Mongolia-China border 7008 Km

The following tunes were played on the PA while the passports were inspected:-

The greatest Love
Rythem of the rain
Theme from the Godfather
Brothers in Arms
Sing a song
Theme from Love Story

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Click here to E-mail - Compiled August 2003 by Don McBeth