Trans-Siberian Railway Day 4 22/08/2003

22/08/2003 06:43 Typical Siberian country scene

22/08/2003 08:07 Krasnoyarsk 4098 Km

22/08/2003 08:16 Yenisei River lumber barges 4100 Km

22/08/2003 09:50 Typical Siberian House

22/08/2003 13:10 Llanskaya 4375 Km

22/08/2003 13:15 Llanskaya 4375 Km
A doughnut full of potato..."Yummy"

22/08/2003 13:35 A wafer full of Banoffey Pie filling ? Llanskaya 4375 Km

22/08/2003 23:14 Zima 4940 Km

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Click here to E-mail - Compiled August 2003 by Don McBeth